Illustration and Mix Media Sculpture
Illustration and Mix Media Sculpture
‘Alithea Josaphine’s photography, objects, illustration and installations identify fragments of life where conflicting or hypocritical elements exist side by side. Josaphine has recently observed these conflicts within the realm of childhood, most obviously in animations where adult and juvenile humor are positioned together to maintain the interest of both audiences. Josaphine’s series of light boxes shaped like children’s building blocks invites viewers to consider the implications of exposing young people to adult realities, and the loss of innocence that occurs from this. Seemingly benign silhouettes reveal a proliferation of adult references on closer inspection, including pole dancers and strippers. Though these works make a sobering comment on the world we live in, they still retain the capacity to become objects of play. In an almost Dadaist twist, these objects become suddenly tongue-in-cheek: a child’s night light is transformed into a representation of an adult’s night life.’
- Reframed13 exhibition catalogue words by Tim Roberts
Storybook Silhouettes: Lightbox Series was exhibited in Reframed13, a group exhibition held at Bleeding Hearts Gallery, August the 16th to August the 28th 2013.